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Introduction to Save the Planet Section at

One of the most amazing things you can do for yourself today is to take the time to step outside into the open air and take a good look around you. Even in the most congested of cities; you will see birds, cats, dogs and even insects living side by side with a host of humans from all walks of life. Don’t forget to notice the trees, grass, flowers and shrubbery as you take stock of this incredible world you live on. As humans, we have been given the awesome responsibility to care for all of this, but somewhere along the line, we fell down on the job.

We have polluted our planet to a point almost beyond repair, and it is time we did something to diminish the damage before it is too late. Considering that the earth was formed over four and a half billion years ago, the destruction we have wrought since the beginning of the industrial revolution is unforgivable. It took more than a billion years for life to be evidenced and we are about to destroy it in a matter of a few centuries. Our unabashed use of toxic chemicals, our gluttonous consumption of fossil fuels and raw materials, and the waste we create are ultimate problems that need to be addressed.

In fact, scientists warn that if something isn’t done in the very near future to put an end to pollution, all life on earth will cease to exist in the not too distant future. Pollution has led to global warming which is the most serious problem we are facing today, and one that we can put an end to if we work together as citizens of a global community. What we do today will impact future generations, and each individual has a part to play in protecting their future. Each and every person has the ability to do something on a personal level by adopting a more responsible lifestyle, as well as by influencing the actions of our world governments in terms of finding worldwide solutions to pollution and global warming.

This save the planet section is dedicated to helping raise an awareness of the global warming issues facing us today. We are seeing increases in catastrophic acts of nature like never before in the history of the earth. Floods, heat waves, devastating storms, and other natural disasters are multiplying exponentially as time goes on. The time to act is now before we aren’t given the opportunity to repair what we have broken. After having researched the facts surrounding these issues, I have attempted to provide articles that raise awareness on ways and methods to contain and repair the damage. Whether you are a concerned citizen, a student, an environmental enthusiast or a world leader, I hope you find something on my site to help you understand the gravity of this situation.

By discussing global warming, energy efficiency and various forms of alternative energy sources which can ultimately save this planet, it is my intention that this awareness will lead to broad scale changes for the good of all involved. I hope you enjoy reading my articles and welcome any feedback that you may wish to offer.

Global Warming

Go to Global Warming Section

Renewable Energy

Go to Renewable Energy Section

Energy Conservation

Go to Energy Conservation Section

100 Ways to Save the Earth

Most of us are becoming increasingly aware of the extreme amount of damage we are causing to the earth and the environment within it. It should not be left to environmentalists and activists to protect the world in which we live. Each and every one of us can do our part and these 100 ways to save the earth are just a start of all that can be done.

Conserve Energy in Your Home
1. Control the thermostat – set it at 78 in the summer and 68 in the winter.
2. Replace older appliances with newer, energy efficient models as budgets permit.
3. Use newer, energy saving fluorescent light bulbs.
4. Unplug appliances and equipment when not in use – even when off a small amount of current is drawn.
5. Lower the temperature on the hot water heater.
6. Insulate the hot water heater to preserve heat.
7. Weatherize doors and windows to prevent heating/cooling from escaping.
8. Turn off all lights when leaving a room.
9. Regulate the temperature in the refrigerator to 42 – 45 degrees and the freezer to 32 degrees Fahrenheit.
10. Keep air conditioner filters clean.
11. Keep dryer filters cleaned of lint and regularly check the venting hose.
12. When baking, open oven doors as infrequently as possible to prevent heat loss.
13. Use a microwave, convection or infrared oven as often as possible.
14. Do laundry whenever possible with cold water.
15. Hang clothing out to dry during warm summer months.
16. Try to shade your home with trees and foliage.
17. Put outside lights on a timer.

Conserve Energy in Your Vehicle
18. Carpool (share a lift) whenever possible.
19. When going distances under a mile, walk as often as weather and health permit.
20. Keep your vehicle overhauled, balance the tires and maintain adequate tread.
21. Drive a little slower.
22. Unless absolutely necessary, don’t use the air conditioner as it uses more fuel.
23. Drive vehicles that get more miles per gallon, with less horsepower.

Less Fossil Fuels – More Renewable Energy
24. Use solar power, hydropower, and buy green energy for the home.
25. Buy fuel that has biomass such as ethanol added to the mixture to conserve fossil fuels.

Lawn and Garden Tips
26. Use electric or rechargeable lawn mowers, weed-eaters and blowers.
27. Use the lawn clippings as natural fertilizer – they give back nutrients to the soil.
28. Recycle wood chips to use as mulch which also helps to prevent erosion.
29. Use natural products such as fertilizer and pesticides instead of harmful chemicals.
30. Put lawn and garden debris into a compost pile rather than burning them.

Less Waste
31. Take re-usable shopping bags to the store.
32. Purchase foods in bulk whenever possible to reduce packaging.
33. Use reusable products as opposed to disposable whenever possible.
34. Use memo and bulletin boards for taking messages for family members instead of paper.
35. Use cloth napkins in lieu of paper.
36. Don’t use paper or Styrofoam plates – use washable tableware.
37. Use cloth diapers for babies as opposed to disposable.
38. Use washcloths instead of wet wipes.
39. Use leftovers instead of throwing them out – get creative and make a whole new meal.
40. Buy rechargeable batteries whenever possible.
41. Instead of using staples on collated papers, use paperclips, they’re reusable.
42. Use both sides of the paper when writing – cut up single-sided prints for memo pad.
43. Use email as opposed to snail mail.
44. Use a thermos instead of Styrofoam or paper cup.
45. Buy recycled paper for the home and office.
46. Only buy perishable groceries that you need rather than allowing the rest to go to waste.
Use Water Sparingly
47. Try not to water the lawn unless absolutely necessary.
48. Take your vehicle to the carwash instead of washing at home.
49. Use the dishwasher instead of hand washing dishes.
50. Only do full loads of laundry instead of a few items at a time.
51. Replace older toilets with newer models as the tanks use less water to flush.
52. Never leave water running while washing dishes by hand.
53. Used pressurized nozzles on sinks to reduce water usage.
54. Let the kids have fun – put them in the bubble bath together if they are the same gender.
55. Check for leaks on washing machines, dishwashers and pipes.
56. Fix running toilets immediately.
57. Keep up with all water restrictions in your neighborhood/community.

58. Reuse bubble wrap and packaging whenever possible.
59. Send used clothing off to be sold at local thrift stores/ buy used whenever possible.
60. Find recycle bins in your community for paper, metal, glass and plastic.
61. Use kitchen scraps for compost.
62. Donate books to a local library or school – donate to charity thrift shops.
63. Donate old computers and electronics when buying newer versions.
64. Donate used children’s toys to charities or church bazaars.
65. Buy, trade, or sell used furniture and household appliances.

Protect the Air
66. Check vehicle emissions to prevent pollution.
67. Use renewable energy as opposed to fossil fuels. (This conserves energy while protecting the ozone)
68. Eliminate slow-burning or smoldering fires – they emit the most toxins.
69. Don’t burn green wood, older wood burns cleaner.
70. Use paint brushes and/or rollers instead of pressurized sprays.
71. Don’t use lighter fuel for lighting fires and outdoor grills.
72. Just as walking or riding a bike instead of driving uses less fuel, it also reduces carbon emissions.
73. Instead of driving to the mall, shop online or by phone.
74. Keep your vehicle’s air filter replaced.
75. Buy products that have a low percentage of volatile organic compounds – use water based instead.
76. When air quality is bad don’t burn in fireplaces or barbeques.
77. Make sure to have all gas appliances checked periodically and keep them maintained.
78. Keep mold and mildew in the home to a minimum for cleaner, breathable air.
79. Plant trees and lush vegetation to help clean the air.
80. Protest deforestation by writing to your legislators – boycott companies who are involved.
81. Even though hydrofluorocarbons are a thing of the past – use pump hairspray instead of aerosols.
82. Use pumps in lieu of any aerosol products.
83. Make sure the Freon from cooling systems isn’t leaking.

Protect Water and Waterways
84. Revegetate soil as soon as possible when it is barren to prevent runoff.
85. Never drop or throw anything into sewers or storm drains.
86. If using a septic tank and not municipal plumbing, have the drain fields checked regularly; periodic pumping.
87. Make certain your vehicle isn’t leaking fluids.
88. Don’t throw waste into lakes, rivers, inland canals or the ocean.
89. Never pour chemicals into the soil for disposal.
90. Refrain from antibacterial soaps as they contain trichlosan that is known to pollute the water supply.
91. Don’t flush medication down the toilet; properly dispose of it at a municipal chemical waste site.
92. Pick up pet waste from the ground immediately.
93. Refrain from paving property as this causes excess runoff into waterways.
94. Never flush solvents or other hazardous chemicals down the toilet.

Reduce Toxicity
95. Avoid using products with mercury. For example, use digital thermometers as opposed to mercury ones.
96. Use organic household cleaners in lieu of chemicals.
97. Test older homes for lead paint. HUD has pamphlets on how to correct this problem.
98. Use rodent traps instead of poisons.
99. Have your home and place of business tested for the presence of radon gas.
100. Don’t use mothballs, use aromatic chips instead.