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Global Warming Evidence

This article on "Global Warming Evidence" provides you with useful information about global warming.
Giant tidal waves of unimaginable strength can result in catastrophic losses which could contribute greatly to the eradication of a significant number of life forms on Earth, including human beings. This oceanic wave is the embodiment of global warming. With sea levels rising at almost an inch per year, and glaciers melting away into the oceans at a rate of 6 feet per year, the future certainly does not seem very bright. Global warming evidence can be seen with the naked eye, and with every passing day, more and more facts supporting the strong presence of global warming are surfacing.

Climatic Change: A Reality

Climatic change is not a dramatic change but a slow and gradual change that is sure to have severe consequences on the human race. At present, the change in climatic conditions is said to be the final stage of global warming. A lot of debate has been going on and various global warming evidences are, indeed, the result of thorough research and study. With certain reputed institutes like IPCC and Arctic Council raising alarms and running campaigns all over America, these evidences cannot be ignored. A thorough understanding of the science of change in climatic conditions is still in need of more research, but the fact remains intact, global warming is happening and it needs to be stopped.

Strong Global Warming Evidences

Recently NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies reported that the average temperatures on earth have increased 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880, and most of this took place in the last ten years. The overall temperature of the Earth is 59 degrees Fahrenheit higher than the ideal temperature. This institute also reported that the last 2 decades were the hottest in the last 400 years. Ground and aerial photography is a great means of understanding the waxing and waning sea levels and sea ice levels on earth. Photographs taken by the satellites clearly suggest that slabs of sea ice have been disappearing at a steady pace in the Arctic Circle. There are around 1800 glaciers on the planet and studies indicate that around 40 glaciers will completely vanish by 2021 if the temperatures continue to rise the way they are doing.

Concentrations of Greenhouse Gases

While the melting of ice bergs and glaciers is a reality, some experts still question the relation of the climatic changes to global warming. The impact of global warming on rising sea levels and waning shorelines is supported by the fact that the concentration of greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere has gone up at a staggering rate. There has been a 35 percent increase in the concentration levels of carbon dioxide since 1950. Similarly, the concentration of methane in the atmosphere has gone up by 29 percent in the last 70 years. This data is clearly a reason why heat waves can be felt around the world. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has reported a heavy increase in catastrophic events like earthquakes, cyclones, volcanic eruptions and droughts in recent years. Not surprisingly, all these events have been linked to the increasing temperatures and meltdowns of glaciers and masses of ice in the Arctic Circle.