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10 Ways To Stop Global Warming

This article on "10 Ways To Stop Global Warming" provides you with useful information about global warming.
Because economies throughout the world appear to be at an all time low, many governments, businesses and private individuals are reluctant to spend any more money than is absolutely necessary. In fact, with global warming becoming a major issue affecting everyone on this planet, it is time to look at 10 ways to stop global warming which can also help economies around the world while helping each of its citizens survive some pretty tough times.

Recycle, Reuse and Cut out Waste

By recycling, reusing and cutting down on waste; each citizen on this planet can make a significant contribution to saving the planet from global warming. Simple things such as purchasing products with very little packaging can do wonders and so too can recycling paper and plastic, newspapers and aluminum and glass cans. Recycling also provides a significant savings in resources as well as cost to businesses and end users.

Reduce Heating and Air Conditioning

By insulating the walls of each home and attic it is possible to lower costs of heating and air conditioning by as much as 25 percent and it will also help to cut down energy consumption by the same amount.
Set thermostats higher in the hot summer months and lower in the cold winter season and even greater savings can be realized.

Use Energy Saving Light Bulbs

It is also important to learn to replace conventional light bulbs with either LED bulbs or compact fluorescent or CFL bulbs. A CFL bulb that consumes 60 watts will help in saving thirty dollars over the expected life of that bulb. In addition to that, CFL bulbs last ten times longer than normal incandescent bulbs and use 75 percent less energy.

Minimize Driving

The fewer miles one drives in their car, the more it helps in curtailing dangerous gas emissions while conserving gasoline. Biking or walking short distances saves energy and allows you to exercise the body as well. This will also save a good deal of money on fuel over the course of a year.

Buy Products That Conserve Energy

When it comes to purchasing a new car, go for a hybrid or other model that does not guzzle gas. Also, when purchasing other products, choose those that have limited packaging. Not only does this reduce waste, but it also reduces the amount of fuel utilized to transport and dispose of that waste. Remember also that cutting garbage by 10 percent will help to save 1200 pounds of CO2 annually.

Be Sparing With Hot Water Consumption

When heating water, be careful to not set the thermostat higher than 120 degrees. When washing clothes, choose to do so in cold or lukewarm water, instead of boiling hot water as this helps in saving 500 pounds of CO2 each year. Here again, consumers will realize significant savings in their utility bills.

Save Electricity

The more one conserves electricity the more one is able to reduce global warming. So, be sure to switch off and unplug the television, stereo, computer and video player when they are not being used. It is not commonly understood that when leaving appliances plugged in, even when they are turned off, those units still draw a small amount of current.

Plant Trees

For those who can grow trees, planting a tree in an area around the home is perhaps the best way of stopping global warming. Just one tree can absorb an entire ton of CO2 in its entire lifetime. Trees can also provide shade in the summer and wind shield in the winter to further reduce heating and cooling bills.

Ask the Utility Company for a Report Card

Most utility companies can give you a report card that will help in identifying areas in the home that are not entirely energy efficient. This helps to lower your bill while protecting the environment from needless emissions.

Encourage Conservation

The more people that collectively conserve energy, the easier it become to stop global warming. So, be sure to encourage others to also conserve energy. Motivate them by explaining they will also be saving a considerable amount of money as they work toward protecting the environment.

Using these 10 ways to stop global warming will certainly help in reducing world dependence on fossil fuels as well as to cut out greenhouse gases that cause global warming. A nice added ‘bonus’ is that most of these ideas will pass much needed financial savings on to consumers.