Renewable energy production requires large power plants to be used to generate varying amounts of energy for industrial use. The amount of energy generated depends on the type of renewable energy being generated and the size and capacity of different renewable energy plants.
Solar Power Plants
World demand for solar energy has been steadily growing by about 20% to 25% every year since the 1980s. The solar power plant in Jumilla, Spain is currently one of the two largest solar energy plants in the world and produces 20 megawatts with 120,000 PV panels. Essentially, Solar Power Plants are a large collection of solar power panels that convert energy from the sun into electrical energy. These solar panels are carefully interconnected to optimize the absorption of solar energy from the sun and foster its efficient conversion to electrical energy.
Hydroelectricity Plants
Among renewable energy plants, hydroelectricity Plants or Hydropower plants produce about 24 percent of the world's renewable energy with a combined output of about 675,000 megawatts. These plants are stationed on the paths of flowing water to convert kinetic energy from water movement into electrical energy. The amount of power generated is proportional to the speed and consistency of the flowing water.
Biomass Power Plants
Biomass power plants normally burn lumber, agricultural or wood wastes to generate energy. They currently represent 11,000 MW - the second largest amount of renewable energy in the nation and are believed to be capable of yielding much higher returns than other renewable sources later. Biomass gasification involves the conversion of biomass into a gas (methane). This gas is then used to power steam generators, combustion turbines, combined cycle technologies or fuel cells. Direct Combustion power plants on the other hand burn the biomass directly in boilers to supply steam for steam-electric generators used to burn fossil fuels.
Geothermal Plants
Geothermal Power Plants normally use specific configurations and a variety of other criteria to maximize the use of the plant. Geothermal renewable energy plants produce energy through processes that are cost effective, reliable, sustainable, and environmentally friendly. Primarily, geothermal brine mixed with steam is extracted from the earth crust into central separation station where the steam is piped through moisture separators to steam heat exchangers inside the plant building. This steam is then piped to steam turbines for co-generation of electricity while unutilized steam is released through a steam exhaust.
Wind Power Plants
Wind Power Plants or Wind farms are wind electric turbines in groups of large machines of about 660 kW. They convert kinetic energy of the wind to electrical or mechanical energy that is harnessed for industrial use. Mechanical energy is most commonly used for pumping water whereas wind electric turbines generate electricity for industrial use. There are two basic designs of wind electric turbines namely, vertical-axis and horizontal-axis machines. The Turbine subsystems include a rotor, a nacelle, a tower and electronic equipment such as controls, electrical cables, ground support equipment, and interconnection equipment.
Renewable energy plants have varying capabilities depending on their sizes and the use they are put to. While many smaller plants are often used for homes and small communities, large capacity plants are ideal for huge corporations or larger communities. Large renewable power plants also subsidize electrical power to plants operated by more conventional fossil fuel sources. |