The use of renewable energy sources has been gaining interest and recognition throughout the years. As compared to conventional energy sources such as petroleum and fossil fuels, the use of renewable energy sources pose more benefits. Consequently, renewable energy systems are now being introduced on the market with possible expansions in the future. There are many types of renewable energy systems today.
Biomass refers to the type of energy that comes from plant material. Likewise, it is related to solar energy because the energy in the plant materials comes from the sun. It is a known fact that plants capture the suns energy through photosynthesis. Its possible to get the contained solar energy once the plants are burned. Biomass systems mimic battery systems where stored energy is released when components are burned. This type of renewable energy system employs two types of method: the use of plant residues or growing the plants for future extraction. The kind of approach to use depends on the location of power plant, the climate of the area, geography and type of soil.
Biofuel has two different types, bioethanol (a type of BioAclohol) and biodiesel. The main procedure used for the production of bioethanol is fermentation, normally using starch and sugar crops. Once the sugar components are fermented, bioethanol is produced. Because of scientific evolution, there are also other procedures which have been developed for the production of ethanol. This includes cellulosic biomass like grasses and trees. If in pure form, its possible to use ethanol as vehicle fuel; however, for better vehicle emissions and octane, gasoline is sometimes added. Biodiesel, on the other hand, is produced from animal and vegetable fats. There are some biodiesel producers who also recycle greases as a source. Just like bioethanol, biodiesel can be used in its pure form, but for emission and octane purposes, diesel is added. In 2008, 1.8% of the worlds population was already using biofuel.
Geothermal Energy
Geothermal energy refers to a type of energy that is acquired from the earths heat. Geothermal energy is obtained through the use of geothermal heat pump. In order for the pump to acquire heat, it should be placed deep into the earths crust. Although the construction of geothermal power plants is quite expensive, their output power is incremental, therefore resulting in lower energy costs. Geothermal power plants are classified into three major types, binary, flash and dry steam. Binary plants use hot water which flows through the heat exchangers. Once the organic fluid boils, turbines are turned. Flash plants, on other hand, uses water around 200 °C leaving it to boil. Once the water boils, steam is separated from other components and used to turn turbines. Dry steam plants uses steam which comes directly from the fractures on the ground.
As it stands, some of these renewable energy systems are already popularly used, while others are still trying to establish a place in the industry. As time goes on, each system will gain a place of prominence in the production of energy as we make great strides in going green. |