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Renewable Vs Non Renewable Energy

This article provides with useful information about: Renewable Vs Non Renewable Energy
Renewable vs. Non-Renewable Energy is a debate that’s been heating up between the oil and coal industries and opponents worried about global warming. Non-renewable energy is the cheapest solution right now and it’s also the most convenient for many of us, since we already have our grids set in place. However, it’s obvious that using non-renewable energy is contributing to the global warming problem, and that the only answer for a cleaner environment is renewable energy.

Non-Renewable Energy

Non-renewable resources are reliable and extremely important for industrialized nations. It’s used for heating, transportation, manufacturing, and cooking. Over 80% of the energy used around the world is from non-renewable sources. Developed nations are mostly dependant on fossil fuels and nuclear power. Coal in particular is a highly abundant fossil fuel that can be found in the US, Eastern Europe, and Asia which can be burned to provide heat and electricity.

The downside of non-renewable energy is that we’ve grown too dependent on it. It’s cheaper to produce energy from fossil fuels, and many businesses don’t see the point in investing in anything else. Unfortunately, we are now finding out that it’s harmful to us and the planet. When fossil fuels are burned, large amounts of carbon dioxide are released into the air. Carbon dioxide traps far too much heat from the sun in the atmosphere. This results in the average global temperatures rising, which is a very serious and urgent problem that is becoming increasingly difficult to deal with.

Renewable Energy

The sun, water, geothermal energy, and wind are all self-sustaining sources of energy. There are also new developments in regard to kinetic energies, and how human bodies can produce energy simply by moving. They are clean and safe to utilize, and don’t emit dangerous gases like fossil fuels do. Renewable energies can be expensive to harness, and large amounts are required to produce small amounts of electricity. In the long-term, however, the money that businesses and homeowners save on their monthly utility bills will be worth the investment in renewable energy technology.

The government is starting to get serious about researching alternative energy. More money is now being spent on solar, geothermal, wind, and hydro power experiments. Many businesses are starting to build solar panels, wind turbines, and geothermal systems because they want to “live off the grid” so to speak. Perhaps the most difficult aspect of using renewable sources is job opportunities. There are already established mining jobs and nuclear plant jobs, and people are afraid that if the oil and coal industry goes down, so will their paychecks. Although new jobs will be created in the renewable energy market, many people don’t want to give up their way of life.

The States’ Roles

In addition to the federal government taking renewable energy resources to the next level, some states are now offering tax incentives to those who are installing clean energy systems for their appliances, light, and heat. A variety of tax benefits are available for those who want to go green. Hopefully, more states will follow this policy and people will start understanding the importance of reducing fossil fuel consumption.