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Global Warming And Deforestation

This article on "Global Warming And Deforestation" provides you with useful information about global warming.
There is a connection between global warming and deforestation, which is the process of clearing out forests on a large scale. The destruction of rain forests releases harmful gases in the air, which results in negative environmental effects. Rain forests form a cooling band around the Earth, and the absence of vegetation causes damage to the band. There is evidence that carbon emissions from deforestation causes more damage than those from planes and factories.

Global Warming and Deforestation Causes

There are numerous causes of modern deforestation, including logging, oil and mining exploitation, cattle-raising, agriculture, acid rain, and urbanization. There is also a problem of migratory farmers trying to grow cash crops in unsuitable soil. This degrades the land to the point at which it will take years to recover its original biomass. In some countries, clear cut logging practices are the main reason for deforestation. Clear cut logging, the practice of almost totally obliterating entire forests, was mainly done in Canada and Malaysia in the nineties, although other countries have suffered from it as well over the years. Destroying large amounts of trees causes many problems, most of which are irreparable.

The effects of global warming are mainly brought on by greenhouse gases and carbon being released. Burning fossil fuels and deforestation are the main contributors to gases and carbon being emitted. Forests lock up carbon and prevent it from being released into the atmosphere through the process of photosynthesis. When trees are cut down, photosynthesis doesn’t work. As a result, gases such as methane and nitrogen are released, and oxides trap atmospheric heat.

Effects of Global Warming

If the appropriate actions aren’t taken, there will be a rise in global temperatures. A significant increase in average temperatures will occur as early as 2030. This rise will affect the poles so much the arctic ice caps will begin melting. The world will be the hottest it’s been in over 100,000 years. If the temperatures keep rising, the survival of all species, including humans will become impossible within the next two centuries.

Deforestation also disrupts water cycles. Without trees to draw up water from the soil, no moisture can be released into the atmosphere. This makes the environment much drier, thereby increasing the chances of forest fires. Also, when moisture isn’t released, the atmosphere becomes warmer and drier. The earth’s radiation is out of balance. More of the sun’s heat is trapped inside the atmosphere.

Global Warming and Deforestation Solutions

World governments are working on sustainable commercial logging solutions. The logging industry needs to be regulated to ensure that it is done in an environmentally friendly way. However, regulating logging industries around the world is a difficult task, both economically and politically. Ultimately, it will all come down to the consumers – they must be informed about the dangers of buying forest made products.

Unfortunately, the effects of global warming and deforestation are probably far greater than any of us can even begin to imagine. Since most consumers are probably not entirely educated on the matter, they don’t realize the danger and long-term global ramifications. Governments worldwide need to come up with solutions to save the forests, and also to provide education to their citizens.