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What Is Energy Conservation

Informative article on: What Is Energy Conservation
Energy conservation actually refers to efforts on the part of man to reduce the consumption of energy with the goal of preserving resources for future generations, while making an effort to reduce environmental pollution. It boils down to the need to find innovative ways to use energy much more efficiently, or to simply use less of it. Although energy conservation is important, there is an ever growing emphasis on conservation as a means of reducing environmental pollution.

Conserving Energy by Using Fewer Resources

The most basic way to conserve energy is obviously to use fewer resources. Many people walk short distances instead of driving, or buy vehicles that are fuel efficient. Cooking in microwave ovens or with infrared or convection ovens reduces the amount of energy used cooking because food gets done in a fraction of the time. Keeping thermostats adjusted higher in the summer and lower in the winter reduces the amount of energy used in the home for temperature control. At the office, many people have begun unplugging equipment when they leave for the day to reduce energy consumption on the job. It is a little known fact that even when turned off, appliances continue to draw a small amount of current. Multiply that small amount by millions of buildings around the country and that small amount just became a huge savings.

Conserving Energy by Using it More Efficiently

Conserving energy through energy efficiency can be thought of simply as a way to get the same results while using fewer resources to get those results. For example, it is known that compact fluorescent light bulbs use only one-third of the energy that incandescent bulbs use, and LED lights are even more energy efficient than that. Also, many people install skylights to bring light into dreary rooms so that they don’t need to turn on lights during daylight hours. They have just achieved the same amount of brightness in the room without the necessity of utilizing anything electric. That is a prime example of energy efficiency.

Energy Conservation to Reduce Environmental Pollution

While energy conservation is meant to preserve our natural energy resources for the future, there is another important aspect that should be considered. The burning of fossil fuels is the greatest contributor to environmental pollution. As we intensify our efforts in energy conservation, we are reducing the damage we are doing to our environment. By reducing the amount of fossil fuels that are burned to produce energy, we are therefore putting fewer toxins into the atmosphere. The concept of energy conservation and environmental pollution are undeniably intertwined.

If we ever hope to eliminate our dependence on foreign fuel and put a stop to environmental pollution at the same time, we need to make greater strides toward energy conservation. Small efforts on the part of individuals make a significant impact when multiplied by the efforts of every person on earth. The only way to truly preserve the earth for future generations is focus on energy conservation today. This can be accomplished by using fewer resources and by using those resources more efficiently.