An excellent choice of lighting which does not require a lot of electricity is the Light Emitting Diode, or LED. Today, consumers are beginning to discover more uses for low voltage LED lighting as an alternative to conventional lighting. Reason being, is that there are countless advantages associated with this form of lighting.
Saves Money and Electricity
An LED light runs on considerably less energy than conventional lighting such as florescent or incandescent lights. Because of its low energy demands, low voltage LED lighting is perfect for either residential or commercial use. An LED light uses 10 20% of the energy than an incandescent light bulb, or approximately half of that of a florescent light bulb. This incredible savings in energy also means a huge savings on your monthly electricity bill. In addition, this form of lighting is often much more durable than conventional forms and lasts considerably longer. An incandescent light would have to be changed over 50 times during the life of an LED bulb.
Quality of Light Produced
Low Voltage LED lighting offers the consumer a superior quality of light over the current options on the market. LED lights not only naturally create a strong beam without the use of reflectors or lenses; they can also be dimmed without sacrificing the quality of light. Even the colored versions of these lights are better, since they dont require special filters they offer a more pure color. Restaurants and other commercial buildings have already found a multitude of uses for these lights in creating the right ambience for their establishment, which can be used for the home as well.
Lower Voltage, Higher Safety
Quite simply, low voltage LED lights require less electricity to go through them to work which automatically reduces the shock hazard that traditional line lighting can have. They have a reduced risk of fire or burning, since they dont get hot to the touch like incandescent light bulbs do. This low voltage lighting alternative also does not contain some of the harmful chemicals that other lights do, such as the mercury contained in florescent lights that not only makes them difficult to dispose of, but is also a safety hazard.
Endless Applications
Low voltage LED lighting can be used in many applications in and around residences or commercial buildings. They make excellent accent lights for the garden, walkways, under cabinetry, above pictures, and in all kinds of other spaces. LED light bulbs offer a superior lighting source even while using less wattage than the other low voltage alternatives. Also, since LED light bulbs offer such a good quality of light, they can be used for so much more than accent lighting. Consumers are beginning to find that low voltage LED lighting can be used to replace many of their current lighting systems.
Not only does low voltage LED lighting use less energy, but it offers an excellent quality of lighting for any space. This is a great way to save electricity, while creating a beautifully lit space.