Light emitting diodes, or LEDs are responsible for a good portion of the lighting displays that are seen every day. Used everywhere, these tiny lights cost very little to operate, yet they perform a great job, whether displaying the time on a watch, illuminating a scoreboard, or lighting the buttons on a calculator.
LEDs in Everyday Use
Many people take for granted the fact that their LED alarm clock has such bright numerals, and never give a second thought to how this is possible. What about the fact that wrist watches can be illuminated with the push of a small button? This is known as LED display lighting, and is being used everywhere and in just about anything electronic that is manufactured. The LED bulb performs a little like a computer chip, in that they emit light from energy that is produced when electricity is applied. Various colors can be achieved by inserting chemicals into the LED, and the resulting light is extremely bright.
Where LED Lighting can be Found
In addition to alarm clocks and watches, LED display lighting can be found in several places around the home. Appliances rely on LED lighting to display functions, such as the numerals on the DVD player, the radio, and often the television. Answering machine message numbers are LED displays, as well as backlighting for the telephone, computer, and television. LED lighting displays are often barely noticed in the home because most people have gotten so used to seeing them that they are considered commonplace. Consider trying to see that alarm clock in the dark without the bright glow of the LED display.
LED Display Lighting in Stores
Outside the home, LED display lighting is used in hundreds of various applications. Department stores use LED lighting to highlight in-store specials, catch the eye of the shopper, and emphasize different products. Cash registers have LEDs in the price scanners, both fixed and hand-held. The exterior store name is the biggest example of LED display lighting because it is so bright it can be seen from quite some distance away. Many shopping centers and stores are now starting to use LED´s for their standard lighting so that they can save on their electricity bills.
LED Displays at Sports Events and Elsewhere
Any sporting event employs the use of LED display lighting on the scoreboard, not only to keep the fans aware of game scores, but to project images and special announcements. In fact, there have been marriage proposals streamed across the board in brilliant LED colors at some events, and team colors are showcased in spectacular LED displays. Movie theaters, clubs, and other entertainment venues announce upcoming attractions with LED display lighting. Companies in large cities display their name high atop skyscrapers, and the stock exchange streams information across a LED display.
LED display lighting is highly visible and attracts attention, which it is the most used form of advertisement today by companies and business both large and small. Take a look around to see just how many LED display sources there are in any city or small town.