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Incandescent Vs LED Lighting

Hope you find this article on "Incandescent Vs LED Lighting" written by our LED expert useful.
While many companies and households still continue to use incandescent bulbs, these are gradually being replaced with LED lighting. In terms of weighing the pros and cons of incandescent vs. LED lighting; LED lighting wins hands down. It is because this type of lighting provides a host of advantages to end users.

Method of Working

There is a vast difference in the way incandescent and LED lighting functions. In the case of an incandescent bulb, a current is sent through the filament in the bulb, which subsequently glows to a white hot color and eventually radiates light. In contrast, an LED will radiate light only when electrons are sent through the semiconductor within the lighting.

Power Consumption

The advantage of the above mentioned construction is that LED´s emit much smaller amounts of heat compared to incandescent bulbs. LED´s consume just around 2-10 watts. In comparison the incandescent bulbs often use as much as 60 watts and sometimes even more. As a result, replacing even a single incandescent bulb with LED lighting can save a huge amount of cost in terms of electricity expenses.


Incandescent bulbs last for around 1500 hours. In contrast, standard LED lights last for as long as 25000 hours while the higher end LED´s can last as long as 100,000 hours. This measures to a vast difference in usability over the space of the LED lighting which could easily reach 15 years or more.

Less Heat

A comparison of incandescent vs. LED lighting reveals that LED lighting emits lesser amounts of heat compared to incandescent bulbs. This entails that consumers need not spend as much money on cooling the home as they used to earlier. Thus, summer months would typically see lesser expenses towards electricity bills.

Materials Used

The construction of LED lighting is of solid materials, which is one reason why these bulbs are so much more durable. With the presence of strong materials used in the construction, such lighting is less prone to breakage and damages when compared to CFLs. In addition, LED lighting does not use mercury and other harmful substances, which is often the case with many conventional bulbs.


A comparison of incandescent vs. LED lighting will quickly reveal that LED bulbs are far more eco-friendly. These bulbs last for very long and do not break easily. This means they less frequently require replacement, thereby contributing to less landfill as well. This reduces the carbon footprint on the earth and helps create a greener planet.


Although LED´s are starting to make it into the forefront of today´s lighting market, there are still more incandescent options in stores. However, with the new congress regulation stating that by 2012, all light bulbs need to be at least 33% more efficient – soon there won´t be anything other than LED´s available.

With the rate at which LED lighting is being incorporated into diverse applications, it is just a matter of time before incandescent lighting is phased out. With their energy-efficiency, power savings and robustness, LED lighting is here to stay.