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Best LED Lighting

Hope you find this article on "Best LED Lighting" written by our LED expert useful.
Because there have been so many advances in LED technology, consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the many benefits that can be derived by transitioning from incandescent, fluorescent and halogen lights. However, that seems to leave an unanswered question in the minds of many. Now that it is apparent that LED lighting is more favorable in terms of energy efficiency, longevity and from an ecological standpoint, they want to know what the best LED lighting is. Actually, that depends on the use for which it’s intended.

Best LED Lighting for Outdoors

Outdoor lighting has been one ‘luxury’ that has suffered in recent years. With the ever rising costs of energy, and thus electricity, consumers are reluctant to even burn their outdoor security lamps at night, not to mention their landscaping lights. LED technology makes it possible to utilize less than 20% of the energy required by more conventional lights, so consumers are now free to light up the night skies once again. However, what is the best LED lighting for outdoors? Realistically speaking, any LED lighting is the best, but solar powered LED lighting would be the best choice. Even though LED lights use such a small amount of electricity, with solar powered energy cells they would use no electricity whatsoever from the main grid.

Best LED Lighting for Indoors

Any LED light of any kind is best for indoors! They are all energy efficient, and not one of them would be manufactured with mercury or harmful gasses. There are replacement lamps for everything from recessed lighting to under counter strip lights, as well as bulbs with Edison bases for lamps and ceiling fixtures. LED lights are available for lighting shelves and there are even LED spotlights to showcase paintings on the wall. Parents can use LED night lights throughout the house and in children’s rooms for added safety, and there are also motion sensitive LED security lights that run off back up batteries in the event of power outages.

Best LED Lighting for any Occasion

Whether decorating for the holidays or looking for a powerful flashlight to take on a camping trip, LED lighting provides the solution to any need. LED flashlights are among the sturdiest in the world, and can last up to 100,000 hours of usage on a single lamp! Many are rechargeable or solar powered which even eliminates the necessity of replacing costly batteries. LED Christmas lights can be even lovelier than traditional incandescent bulbs, and they certainly last a whole lot longer, and use considerably less electricity to operate. In fact, from adding mods to PlayStation game systems to customizing LED mods to the undercarriage of a vehicle, LED lighting is always the best choice.

As a matter of fact, LED lights are so beneficial in so many ways, that there will come a time in the very near future when other sources of light will become obsolete. Congress has enacted legislation that by the year 2012 all light bulbs must be at least 33% more efficient. No other type of lighting can meet that requirement, not even trendy CFL bulbs. So what is the best LED lighting? In the words of today’s youth, “It’s all good.”