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Red LED Flashlights

Must read information about: Red LED Flashlights
There are many schools of thought, and much controversy on the topic of night vision and the best sources of light to improve it. With this said, there are still a great number of people who employ the use of a red light to see certain aspects in dark conditions. Because of this, many flashlight manufacturers have created red flashlights specifically for use in dark conditions. With the recent advent in LED technologies, it isn’t surprising that red LED flashlights have become a useful commodity to many people because of the overall benefits of using LED flashlights.

Red for Night Vision

The retina in the eye is comprised of two essential parts, rods and cones. Rods are used to help the eyes adapt to the dark while cones are used for standard daytime vision. Basically, when a person is moving around during the daylight hours and looking at a vast array of colors, they are using their cones to do this. When a person is watching a landscape at night and everything appears to be gray, the rods are being used. Rods are not capable of transmitting color to the brain, they can only transmit grays. Many people believe that night vision is improved by the color red because it reflects a color on otherwise gray matter, making the cones adapt to that light. For this reason, Red LED flashlights are quite popular for a number of people.

Law Enforcement

There are many standard issue flashlights for law enforcement officials that use a red beam to assist them in seeing at night. Because LED flashlights have been proven to be more cost effective, many government agencies have begun employing their use in contrast to the use of older, more traditional flashlights. As a result many agencies use red LED flashlights, exclusively for all of their critical missions that take place at night. Some off duty policemen even purchase them for personal use because they are aware of the added capability of vision they add at night.


Because humans do not have the same capability to see at night that animals possess, night vision is imperative to hunters during the night time hours. As a result, red LED flashlights are becoming more and more popular among hunters. In addition to assisting them with their night vision, they offer the added benefits of being significantly less expensive to operate as they use far less battery power than standard flashlights. Some red LED flashlights even come in rechargeable models, making their use even more attractive to people who are following a strict budget, by eliminating the need for disposable batteries.

Red LED flashlights are a commodity that just about any person, whether in a profession or hobby that requires night vision, or not, can use. These flashlights are available in many sizes and come with a variety of different specifications, at a variety of different prices, and can easily be obtained online. Consumers interested in this product may also wish to know about green LED flashlights.