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Coast LED Flashlights

Must read information about: Coast LED Flashlights
The Coast LED flashlights have become one of the most popular choices for consumers looking for durable and affordable flashlights. When compared to several other LED flashlights, which are available on the market these days, the flashlights from Coast offer a spectrum of nice features not found in other flashlights.

Aluminum Body

The unique aluminum body of these flashlights is of a very high grade and quality. The tough exterior can withstand very rough usage as well. The anodizing is so smooth and aesthetically appealing that it is hard to find machining marks over the surface. There is a uniform color match right from head to tail switch of the flashlight and the presence of knurling through the entire length of the flashlight offers a firm grip to the user.


The body of the Coast LED flashlights comes with a slightly larger diameter when compared to many other LED flashlights in this range. The main reason for this is because of the larger battery tube, which needs to fit inside the body. The AAA batteries are placed in this cylindrical tube snuggly which allows for easy replacement.

Switch Mechanism & Mode

The switch mechanism in these flashlights is a little different compared to other kinds of LED flashlights. In order to turn on the flashlight, the switch needs to be pushed from flush along the body of the flashlight. Due to this design, it makes it difficult to accidentally turn on the flashlight by mistake.

Different Switch Modes

The Coast LED flashlights come with two switching modes. One click triggers the switch on a low mode which is good for occasions when a subtle light is needed while another click will trigger the high mode. These options will come in handy if the light needs to be used for long periods of time without the chance of replacing the battery.

Light Focus Mechanisms

Instead of using traditional reflectors, the Coast LED flashlight uses Optic for light focus. The focus is very tight in these flashlights, which eventually results in a better throw. These flashlights can focus very intense, bright light at a distance of even 50 yards. The flood settings are highly impressive as well. Once the light beam is defocused, it lights up a much broader spectrum with a very bright light, especially when compared to traditional flashlights.

Overall, the Coast LED flashlights certainly have specific features, which provide a different experience compared to other flashlights. In terms of performance, these flashlights do extremely well. The flood beams are perfectly round and even very large distances are lit up spot on! The easy switch mechanism from tight focus light to flood light is one of the big perks of these flashlights. Plus, these flashlights come with a rugged and robust aluminum waterproof exterior along with highly durable LED bulbs inside. These two factors make these flashlights very long lasting and durable in extreme conditions.