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Twinkling LED Christmas Lights

Useful info on: Twinkling LED Christmas Lights
Twinkling LED Christmas lights do exactly what the name implies, they twinkle! This effect is achieved by many bulbs flashing randomly. The result is a very animated, fairy tale appearance that can be used for both residential and commercial decorating, indoors or out.

Commercial Use

One of the benefits of LED Christmas lights is that they can be purchased in strings according to length and attached to a light bar or rod as they are not as heavy or cumbersome as older style incandescent bulbs. This type of light is often seen at upscale malls where they hang from the ceilings high above giving the impression of snow falling down on the mall patrons. They are also seen in the store windows, cascading down like a curtain of lights. These twinkling LED Christmas lights can be adjusted to fade in out slowly or the bulbs can also be set to randomly flash moderately or quickly. The strings can also be connected in some cases as many as forty five strands long! The effect is absolutely amazing when it is used in a cascading fashion in a big commercial area with height.

Residential Use

The strings described above can also be used at homes both inside and out. They can be displayed in a similar manner to the LED icicle lights and hung on the perimeter of the roof. There are actually LED icicle lights that change color from blue to white, the change in color bringing about the twinkle effect. That is one of the amazing benefits of LED technology in that the diode in the lamp determines the color that twinkles on and off. When several colored diodes are in the same lamp, the twinkling of assorted colors within the same bulb is phenomenal. Strands of lights can also be purchased that are a combination of steady and twinkle and these are ideally suitable for Christmas trees, even those outdoors as LED lights are weatherproof. They almost give the appearance of stars twinkling at random positions on the tree.


A little bit of creativity goes a long way and twinkling LED Christmas lights can be used to wrap around the tree trunks in a yard or garden. The M5 mini twinkling lights of any chosen color, or color combinations, can be placed on top of the kitchen cupboards in between some tulle. LED lights remain cool and are safe to use in this manner, without unnecessary fear of fire. Twinkling lights accessorising the chandelier at Christmastime can be breathtaking when entertaining over the holiday season, and a little twinkle can be added to the wreath to be hung on the front door. Just add that personal touch to these twinkling lights and decorating ideas are almost endless with these amazingly multi-faceted lights.

It is truly amazing how simple it is to alter the look of any dwelling or business with twinkling LED Christmas lights. They add yet another beautiful dimension to decorating for Christmas, and in fact have taken the market by storm. With all possible combinations and choices of lights available in the stores, there are sure to be LED lights for any holiday purpose. For an even wider variety, many consumers prefer to shop online where the choices seem endless as the whole World Wide Web is at their fingertips. Don’t let Christmas go by another year without investing in these truly beautiful LED lights that will last what feels like forever.