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LED Blinking Christmas Lights

Useful info on: LED Blinking Christmas Lights
Christmas lights using LED´s instead of traditional incandescent bulbs are increasing in popularity as consumers are becoming more aware of their benefits. Recently, LED blinking Christmas lights have become one of the newest trends for lighting up the holiday season. The reason for this is because LED´s offer several advantages to conventional incandescent lights.


LED Christmas lights are designed to be durable. Conventional lights contain a fragile glass filament which, when broken, renders the bulb useless. LED Christmas lights also do not have a glass filament, nor are they made with the glass bulb covers that many conventional lights have. Tests show that traditional Christmas lights will often burn out before 2000 hours of use, whereas LED Christmas lights will easily extend to many times that before the light starts to fade. Some LED´s can even last 100,000 hours.


Although the initial cost of LED Christmas lights is slightly more than the conventional alternative, they have been proven to save money over time. Not only does the durability mean you'll have to replace them less often, they cost considerably less to operate than traditional lights. Consider this - one of these incandescent Christmas light bulbs will use the same amount of energy as an entire strand of LED lights. Multiply this by a houseful of lights and the savings really add up.


Hundreds of Christmas tree fires destroy homes and take lives every year. The combination of a dry Christmas tree and hot incandescent lights is a recipe for disaster over the holidays, one that is easily avoided with the use of LED lights. LED Christmas lights stay cool to the touch, and are far less likely to cause a fire or cause burns. Unlike conventional lights, several strands of LED lights can be attached together safely, without overheating or causing an electrical fire.

Environmental Impact

Light up the tree and save the planet at the same time! Since LED Christmas lights are considerably more efficient than incandescent bulbs, you'll not only save money but reduce your family’s carbon footprint. Currently, LED lights are the most environmentally conscious choice for your Christmas tree or home. Their longer lifespan also means that fewer of them will end up in our landfills. In addition, LED´s don’t contain filaments or harmful chemicals otherwise found in regular light bulbs.

Blinking Christmas Lights

Want to add a bit more pizzazz to your holiday light display? LED blinking Christmas lights also provide an advantage over their incandescent alternatives. Unlike conventional lights, LED blinking Christmas lights do not have a shorter life span than non-blinking LED lights. The continuous turning on and off of an incandescent bulb requires bursts of energy that reduces the overall life span of the product. LED blinking Christmas lights use a consistent amount of energy and the blinking does not wear out the light bulb any faster.

These are some of the many reasons that LED Christmas lights are increasing in popularity, and why fewer incandescent lights are being sold each year. Add some LED blinking Christmas lights to your decorations this holiday season - they'll save you money, last you longer, and work better than incandescent lights.