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LED Lights for Wrinkles

LED Lighting is energy efficient and long lasting. This article on LED Lights for Wrinkles provides you with all the information on how and why to use LED Lights for Wrinkles.
It has long been known that wrinkles are caused because aging or damaged skin cells stop producing ample amounts of collagen and elastin. For many years the cosmetics industry sold creams and lotions that had collagen in the formulation, and often those products were expensive and provided few results, if any. During LED light therapy treatments for non-related injuries or conditions, doctors began noticing that patients’ skin was actually looking younger with a visible reduction in wrinkles and fine lines. Now, LED light therapy for wrinkles is a recognized anti-aging therapy that is used by dermatologists, and LED devices are now FDA approved for at home use.

How LED Lights for Wrinkles Work

LED lights emit high intensity light in infrared and red light waves. The light given off by the LED penetrates the top layer of the skin and works to increase the amount of collagen and elastin that is being produced in the lower dermal layers. Collagen and elastin production decreases as individuals get older or from damaged skin cells, causing wrinkles. If collagen and elastin production is increased, the fine lines and wrinkles that come with aging start to disappear and new, fresh skin replaces them. The process is pain-free as LED lights for wrinkles produce no heat. It will, however, take several sessions before any visible difference is noticed. For this reason, many consumers are seeking at-home LED lights for wrinkles since visits to the dermatologist can be quite costly.

Finding LED Lights for Wrinkles Products

Some doctor’s and dermatologist’s offices will perform LED facial light therapy, which can be costly and inconvenient for anyone who wants to have repeat treatments. LED treatments for wrinkles are considered cosmetic procedures, and as such, most health insurance policies exclude treatments from coverages. Since the concept of using LED lights for wrinkles has caught on, there have been more and more home LED light therapy products being developed and marketed to home buyers. Interested individuals can purchase anti-aging and acne prevention light therapy products at various online sites devoted to these products for anywhere from $150 to $500 dollars.

Smart shoppers should read product reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers before investing in one of these systems. Finding the best LED wrinkle treatment system is a matter of doing the research, but once the right device is found, wrinkles and fine lines can be repaired from the comfort of home.