LED technology has even found its way onto the golf course! Not only are there replacement lamps for the golf cart, but there are a number of LED accent lights that add a little style to an otherwise boring golf cart. But the cart, itself, isnt the only part of the game that has seen advances in LED lights for golf. Now courses all over America are switching over to LED lamps for the course to light up the course in the early evening hours.
LED Lights for Golf Carts Accent Lights
LEDGLOW is one of the more popular manufacturers of accent lights for golf carts. The underbody lights are made with flexible 24 LED tubes that are equipped with a controller unit that is user-friendly. LEDGLOW LED lights for golf carts come with all installation and mounting hardware and easy to follow instructions. The lights can produce multiple patterns which include flashing and strobe effects. Colors range from single color neon lights which include green, blue, red and pink. Multi-color options are also available that even increase the patterns available by simply pushing a button. LEDGLOW offers a one year limited warranty and free technical support on all their Neon LED lights for golf products.
LED Lights for Golf Course
Unlike other popular sports, golf is actually almost more of a social event than a game in some circles. Pals get together to hit the course while socializing as they wander from hole to hole. But thats only the beginning of the day. After a particularly refreshing game, there is always the golf club to visit for a quick drink and a bite to eat. Many courses stay open to members into the evening hours. LED lights for golf courses light up the sky (and the green!) with a brilliance that rivals older technology, yet is more cost efficient and environmentally safe. Of all outdoor lighting systems, LED technology releases less harmful emissions into the atmosphere and uses less fossil fuel to operate due to lower energy consumption.
Study after study has been conducted and each one provides more promising results than the last. LED lamps are safer for the environment and cost much less to operate. LED lights for golf are not manufactured with mercury as their halide counterparts, and can burn up to an amazing 100,000 hours before needing replacement. Thats a lot of evening socializing at the club - more than 15 years of it!